About Mediation
Mediation is a facilitated negotiation between parties who are in a dispute. A skilled neutral third party (Mediator) assists the disputants in coming to an agreement that is satisfying to both parties.
Your Process
Rather than putting a dispute in the hands of a judge who has limited knowledge of the people and the situation, and only a short time to consider the facts, our process allows disputants to explore all of the possibilities. They can fully listen to each other’s views, and tailor their our own solution according to their needs, if they choose to do so.
Those who agree to participate in mediation, reach a satisfactory resolution more than 90% of the time. Parties comply with agreements reached in mediation or conciliation in more than 90% of cases because it’s their agreement.
Our Process is Confidential
People who participate can feel comfortable discussing their dispute openly. Nothing anyone says, does, or writes down during mediation itself can be used later as evidence in any court proceeding. The process does not result in court or police records.
Mediation is Less Stressful
For most people, going to court is stress inducing because the process is combative. Mediation, by contrast, is informal, emphasizing conversation and understanding. Any solution is the result of both parties arriving at a mutual agreement.
Fast and Convenient
Compared to the months or even years that it often takes for a dispute to be settled in court, conciliation can begin immediately and a mediation can usually be set up within a week or two. Telephone conferences and mediation sessions are arranged for a time and date convenient to the parties, not an arbitrary court schedule.
Court is Still an Option
If participants can’t resolve their conflicts through mediation, the dispute can still be brought before a court. However, when people meet in a mediation session, 9 out of10 of the cases result in an agreement. So, mediation is a risk-free process – participants have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by considering mediation first.
What is mediation?Mediation is not Arbitration. We don’t judge your dispute. We help YOU resolve it. We are neutral facilitators trained to help people work through their disagreements in order to find optimal solutions for themselves.
What kind of disputes do you mediate?We mediate all kinds. Our Family Law specialists handle divorce and custody issues.
Who are mediators?Conflict Resolution Center of Nevada County uses only formally trained, highly skilled mediators who come from varied professional backgrounds and bring a wide range of experience to the process. They are guided by standards of professionalism that ensures they remain neutral, provide no legal advice or opinions, facilitate fairly and diligently to help both sides come to a satisfactory agreement.
How does mediation work?The parties in dispute meet with a mediator at a neutral location where the mediator and disputants agree to guidelines for conducting the mediation. The mediator then serves as coach and moderator, assisting both parties in effective communication, each describing their concerns and listening to the other’s concerns. The mediator’s role is facilitator, not judge. All mediation sessions are confidential so nothing said there may be aired in court. A session generally lasts up to three hours, usually resulting in a written agreement developed by the disputants with the assistance of the mediator.
How does court fit into the picture?That is up to you. Nothing about mediation prevents you from taking a case to court at a later date if no agreement is reached. On the other hand, mediation is generally less expensive, faster, and more satisfying than going to court because you resolve your dispute rather than having a judge resolve it We frequently mediate cases that have already been filed with the court.
How much does mediation cost?We have a sliding-fee scale. Normally our regular mediations cost from $25 to $150 per party for a three hour session with two mediators. Family Law mediations are higher.
Do we get a written, enforceable agreement?Again, that is up to you. We normally recommend that agreements be put in writing for a number of reasons. Once that is done and signed, it has the same enforceability as any binding contract between multiple parties.
Is our privacy protected?Absolutely. None of our mediations proceed until a confidentiality agreement has been signed by ALL parties in the room.
What commitment is required?Basically, a sincere desire to resolve the dispute is the most essential requirement for a successful mediation. Showing up at the appointed time and place is a clear expression of commitment as is open, honest and civil discourse during the mediation session.
How can I arrange a mediation?Call us at: (530) 477-6517 or email us at: CRC@resolveconflicts.org